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What is Dual Enrollment?

School districts in the state of Iowa are required to offer home-schooled students part-time enrollment by subject, called dual enrollment. The subjects not taken through the school district are taught through homeschooling, by a non-accredited school, or by a licensed teacher. While the our District offers a 1/2 day option for Kindergarten families, dual enrollment is the only option for parents of 1st grade through 12th grade students wishing to have their student attend a partial in-person school day on a regular basis. Parents who are interested in dual enrollment typically have: 

A home-schooled student who would like access to sports, extracurriculars, or specific subjects such as advanced math or science, art, music, foreign languages, etc.

A student who participates in a non-District activity (like dance or gymnastics) that meets regularly during the scheduled school day.

A student with an IEP who plans to continue receiving District services while being home schooled, taught by a licensed teacher or enrolled in a private, non-accredited school or program.

Elementary Dual Enrollment

At the elementary level, dual enrollment is participation in extracurriculars and/or 1-5 whole subjects (or no more than 75% of whole subjects within the instructional day) with a minimum of two whole subjects taught through home schooling.

  • At the elementary level, the subjects are broken down as follows: Math (whole and small group), ELA (whole and small group reading and writing),  Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Guidance, Library, and PE.
  • Students are required to attend all class meetings for each subject in which they are dual enrolled (i.e. if they dual enroll in ELA, they must attend whole and small group reading as well as writing instruction). This may cause the pick up/drop off times to vary.

Secondary Dual Enrollment

At the secondary level, dual enrollment is participation in 1-5 whole subjects and/or sports and extracurricular activities. While secondary students earn credit for dual enrollment subjects, home-schooled subjects do not count for credit toward a high school diploma. Secondary students might also dual enroll for the sole purpose of accessing college courses through the Senior Year Plus program.

Fun Fact!

The list of subjects a dual enrollment student attends at both the elementary and secondary level is listed in Infinite Campus and is submitted to District administration.

Dual Enrollment Requirement

To satisfy the dual enrollment requirement, parents must choose at least one of the three options below:

  1. Hire an Iowa licensed teacher or certified private instructor (CPI).
  2. Parent or guardian serves as educator and student completes an annual assessment (Approved assessments can be found here Acceptable Tests for Baseline and Annual Assessment Options (link coming soon) A portfolio review of home schooled Science and Social Studies coursework may be required for some grades in addition to assessments).
  3. Participate in the Iowa City Home School Assistance Program - this requires meeting 4 times/quarter- 16 times/year with one of the ICHSAP supervising teachers.