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Transition Alliance Program (TAP)

The goal for each TAP student is competitive integrated employment, whether that is directly out of high school or after completing post-secondary training.

What is TAP?

The TAP is a partnership between Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD) and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS).

TAP provides the following Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to ICCSD students: 

  • Job Exploration Counseling
  • Work-Based Learning Experiences
  • Counseling on Opportunities
  • Workplace Readiness Training
  • Self Advocacy Instruction

TAP provides post-secondary training and employment support services to graduates of ICCSD who have been determined eligible for IVRS while in high school.

A student must have one of the following (A or B or C and D):

a. Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
b. 504 plan
c. Documented diagnosis that presents barriers to employment
d. Completed Pre-ETS agreement and IVRS consent form

Contact Us

City High - Chris Bushman
Liberty High -Brittney Nilles
Tate High - Jeremy Cook
West High - Kurtis Broeg
IVRS Counselor (West and TSC) - Jessie Sylte
IVRS Counselor (Tate, Liberty, and City) - Ashleigh Meiburg
Transition Coordinator - Brian Schafer