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Community Flyers

Let's talk about how we team up with our awesome community partners! We do things a bit differently to be kinder to the environment, stay tech-savvy, and be responsible with our funds.

So, if you want to get your flyer out there, here's what you need to do. Just follow these easy steps, and if we give it the green light, your flyer will be sent out to all our parents by email and posted online for up to 30 days.

Now, here's the deal: Peachjar helps us make this happen, and they do charge a fee for their service. But, if what you're promoting is totally free, you're in luck – check out Peachjar's community free guidelines that might let you post your flyer for free. If you need a hand with setting up your account, don't hesitate to reach out to Peachjar Customer Service at (858) 997-2117 or drop them an email at

Quick note though: these flyers aren't official Iowa City Community School District publications, and our District isn't endorsing or sponsoring the events. We're just here to let folks know about all the great opportunities happening in our community.

How to post a flyer:

The District recognizes that students, employees, and community members may want to share information with the District community that is non-District-sponsored. As the distribution of print materials is time and cost prohibitive, the District posts information electronically.
Individuals or organizations wishing to post information through Peachjar must complete the following steps:
  • Visit
  • Register as a Community Organization (account type)
  • Upload your flyer for approval

Information will not be posted if it gives the impression that the District is either promoting or condemning a specific business, religion, religious organization, political candidate, position on a political issue or can otherwise reasonably be interpreted as creating a violation of the District’s Non-Discrimination Statement. In addition to exercising this discretion, the following factors are illustrative but not limiting considerations:

  • Is the information in the best interests of the students and/or staff?
  • Is the information related to the educational tasks of the school system?
  • Does the information appeal to students generally or is it targeted to a narrow group of students?
  • Does the material refrain from indecent, vulgar, or lewd language?
  • Does the information promote activities that are cultural, educational, civic, or recreational?

School organizations may sponsor activities in which products and services are sold to benefit the programs of the school. Organizations or individuals operating on a for-profit basis may not utilize the service for:

  • distribution of pamphlets or flyers urging students and their families and others to purchase services or products
  • the sale of products and services
  • the advertising/promotion on school/school district websites or through the District electronic mail system of any product or service
  • activities, which would interfere with the normal educational process by involving school employees and/or students.

*The District has full discretion when determining Peachjar content.