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Public Record Requests

The Iowa City Community School District is committed to maintaining a high level of transparency and providing any member of the public access to public records maintained by the school district. Under Iowa law, “every person [has] the right to examine and copy and to publish or otherwise disseminate public records.” The ICCSD has developed a public records request process to assist members of the public in gaining access to public records.

*Student records requests are submitted through the student's school by contacting the school's administrative team.

Public Records Request Form


Iowa City Community School District Public Records Request Form

Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 22, I submit the following request for Public Record retained by the Iowa City Community School District:

First Name
Last Name
It is important to provide both email address and phone number, if possible, for the District to be able to contact you regarding your request.
Preferred Method of Pick-Up: (*Please note there is a $0.15 per page copy/scan fee for any request that generates 20 or more pages of material; all fees – including copy/scan fees – must be paid in advance of receiving the requested documents/materials.)

Public Records Request Fee Schedule

Although most public records requested from the Iowa City Community School District are available at no cost, State law does allow for public entities, such as the ICCSD, to charge a reasonable fee for time and materials spent completing a public records request. Please use the following link to view the District's Public Records Request Fee Schedule:

Search of Email Archive*

I request that the district perform an electronic search of email archives utilizing the specific terms and date range(s) I provided. I understand that a fee of $25.00, per hour of search time, will be assessed for any archive search. (Note: a search of email records will not be conducted unless this box is initialed by the requester).

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format