Iowa City Community School District
Equity Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Equity Committee is to advise the District Director of Equity to:
- Express and speak for school community concerns related to equal educational opportunities and multicultural/gender fair education.
- Make recommendations for the school program as it relates to equal educational opportunity and multicultural/gender fair education.
- Relate information about multicultural/gender fair education to the school community.
- Assist in the reviewing of progress reports regarding equity programs in the district and equity legislation applicable to the school district.
- Serve as liaison between parents/patrons and the school district relative to equity issues.
- Relay issues of community interest and concern related to equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, equal educational opportunity, and multicultural/gender fair education to the school administration and school board.
- Serve as lay/community resource persons for reacting to the district’s development and implementation of the multicultural/gender fair education and equal employment opportunity/affirmative action plans.
- Relay information on school educational and employment equity activities to community at large.
- Review all District programs and employment policies and practices to assess the degree, which they promote multicultural/gender fair concepts.
- Promote more positive inter-group relations within the community as well as to foster positive inter-group understanding and skills among students, employees, and the community.
- Provide support for the school district’s multicultural/gender fair education program and its equal employment opportunity/affirmative action plan.
Meeting Info
Location: Zoom
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Dates: First Wednesday of each month
**Equity Advisory Committee meetings are open to anyone.**