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Pandemic or Infectious Disease Plan

Schools tend to be affected by infectious disease outbreaks more than other settings. Children easily transmit illnesses to one another as a result of their close proximity, their inefficiency at containing respiratory droplets and their ineffective hand washing. As a school district, we play an important role in protecting the health of our students and staff from contagious diseases.
This pandemic or infectious disease plan provides guidance for reducing illness at school on a regular basis, as well as procedures during infectious disease outbreaks and pandemic periods. 

The plan includes the following:

  1. Strategies to prevent and reduce the spread of infectious diseases at our schools.
  2. Procedures for canceling school due to an infectious disease outbreak.
  3. Considerations for reopening schools. 

Notification of confirmed pandemic or infectious disease threats to the district will come from Johnson County Public health (JCPH). 

  • JCPH Disease Prevention Specialists will notify the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD) Coordinator of Health Services in the event that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) declares a pandemic event or an infectious disease threat to the district.  
    • ICCSD Coordinator of Health Services will receive guidance from JCPH Disease Prevention Specialists regarding parent communication. 
  • The Coordinator of Health Services will notify the ICCSD Director of Community Relations.
  • The Director of Community Relations will notify the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendents, and the full Administrative Council.  
    • The Director of Community Relations will work with the Coordinator of Health Services on communication to parents/guardians, students, and staff.   
  • The Coordinator of Health Services will work with the Superintendent and the Director of Community Relations to initiate the ICCSD Pandemic or Infectious Disease Plan.