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Special Education Services
Educating students of all needs and abilities


Our special education leadership team is committed to providing the needed resources and supports to our stakeholders to ensure the achievement of our overall mission and vision.


Our team is committed to providing quality instruction for all students, identifying students who need additional supports, and implementing appropriate interventions based upon student need.


We work to ensure all entitled students receive comprehensive transitioning planning, helping students with IEPs plan and prepare for life after high school, focusing on living, learning, and working.


There are a variety of critical resources available to families, students, and staff in the area of special education, transition services, Social Emotional Behavioral Health, and more.

Our Philosophy
& Mission:

We believe in creating an equitable and consistent educational experience for all children. We strive to create culturally inclusive and responsive school and classroom environments through instruction and supports that meet the needs of the whole child. Our teachers know that for students to achieve academic, social, and emotional learning and growth they must create a learning environment that is safe, predictable, supportive, and sets high expectations for all. We utilize the Iowa Transition Model as a roadmap to ensure we are infusing learning, living, and working into our students' school experience as early as elementary school. Our goal is to ensure all students are given the supports and instruction needed to achieve post-secondary success in alignment with our Portrait of a Graduate.  

The mission of special education is to facilitate appropriate education for students with diverse learning needs and abilities; this is accomplished through collaboration with general education to provide a continuum of services delivered in the least restrictive environment in partnership with families. You can learn more about our service delivery model in the District Developed Service Delivery Plan.

Our Students
& Service Providers:

  • We serve approximately 1,800 students per year with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

  • Approximately 150 special education teachers are employed K-12 in service of our ICCSD students.

  • We partner with GWAEA in serving and evaluating our students, this includes speech and language pathology services, occupational therapy services, physical therapy services, school social workers, psychologists, and more.

  • Approximately 450 special education paraeducators are employed from Preschool through 12th grade in service of our students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).