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Facilities Master Plan 2.0

Facilities Master Plan (FMP) 2.0 projects are underway across our District!

Similar to the first FMP, this next version is a District-wide, multi-year facilities plan focused on creating innovative 21st Century learning environments in each of our schools. While the framework has been established, this is a living, breathing, working plan that is continuously being reviewed to ensure the projects align with our needs. 

Building off our Portrait of a Graduate work, FMP 2.0 will create instructional spaces that help maximize student opportunity and support all students being college, career, and life ready when they leave the District.

Thank you to our community!

On November 2, 2021, the Iowa City Community School District asked voters to consider the extension of the Revenue Purpose Statement for the Secure and Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) and the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL). The extension passed with a resounding 87% for SAVE, and 81.5% for PPEL.

The renewal related to these funding sources allowed our District to continue the progress we have seen through FMP 1.0 and to embark on Facilities Master Plan 2.0...and it comes without an increase in taxes! This extension of SAVE and PPEL also provides funding for District-wide lifecycle projects that would otherwise pull vital teaching and learning dollars from the District’s general fund. Thank you to our community for your continued support!