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Board Policies


Adoption Date: 06/22/2021

History: 11/23/21(reviewed), 11/29/22 (reviewed), 10/24/23 (reviewed)

The final action taken to adopt the proposed policy will be approved by a simple majority vote of the board at the next regular meeting after the meeting allowing public discussion. The policy will be effective on the later of the date of passage or the date stated in the motion.

In the case of an emergency, a new or changed policy may be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the board. The emergency policy will expire at the close of the third regular meeting following the emergency action, unless the policy adoption procedure stated above is followed and the policy is reaffirmed.

Policy References:

Legal Reference:    

Iowa Code § 279.8.
281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

Cross Reference:
200.2 Powers of the Board of Directors
200.3 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

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