Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 11/23/2021(reviewed), 11/29/22 (reviewed), 10/24/23 (reviewed), 10/8/24 (reviewed)
The Board of Directors of the Iowa City Community School District encourages input from the residents of the school district. The following policies describe how the Board will interact with the public during Board Meetings.
Participation by the Public at Board Meetings
It shall be the policy of the Board to provide opportunities for public participation in open meetings of the Board. It is generally expected that public participation is a time for community input and not a discussion with the board. It is also expected that members of the public and the Board will address each other with civility and respect.
Community Comment
A community comment topic is included in the agenda of every regular meeting. Those who wish to speak must complete a Speaker’s Form. During community comment persons may speak to the Board about topics relevant to the District.
All community comment, directed at non agenda items and agenda items, shall take place at the beginning of the meeting and shall be limited to four (4) minutes per speaker. Additional time may be granted for public speakers requiring services of an interpreter.
The initial community comment period shall be limited to one (1) hour.
Remaining community comment, to the extent necessary, shall take place at the end of the meeting.
General Guidelines for Public Comment
It is the prerogative of Board members to ask speakers questions during the presentation or make comments as frequently as necessary to clarify the speaker’s input. The audience is not allowed to interrogate or debate issues with Board members.
Board meetings are conducted by the Board President. Board members and members of the public will conform to the Board President’s rulings on procedural matters.
The Board President may terminate any person’s privilege of addressing the Board for persistent violations of conduct by a participant repeatedly declared out of order for violations of the above rules.
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