Board Policies
Adoption Date: 08/24/2021
History: 02/22/22 (reviewed), 12/13/22 (reviewed), 1/31/23 (updated), 12/12/23 (reviewed), 2/11/25 (reviewed)
Employees will comply with Iowa law to the extent that compliance does not infringe on employees' free speech rights.
Employees who use social media platforms are encouraged to remember that the school community may not be able to separate employees as private citizens from their role within the district. Employee expression on social media platforms that interfere with the district’s operations or prevents the district from functioning efficiently and effectively may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
A district employee who acts to protect a student for engaging in free expression or who refuses to infringe on students engaging in free expression, and who is acting within the scope of their professional ethics will not be retaliated against or face any adverse employment action based on their behavior provided that expression is otherwise permitted by law and board policy.
If the board or court finds an employee that is subject to licensure, certification or authorization by the Board of Educational Examiners discriminated against a student or other co-employee, the board will refer the employee to the Board of Educational Examiners for additional proceedings as required by law and which may result in discipline up to and including termination.
Policy References:
Legal Reference:
U.S. Const. Amend. I
Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, 597 U.S. (2022)
Iowa Code §§ 279.73; 280.22
Cross Reference:
713 Staff Technology Use/Social Networking
713.R1 Staff Technology Use/Social Networking - Regulation
502.3 Student Expression and Student Publications
502.3R1 Student Expression and Student Publications Code
- 400