Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 11/23/21(updated), 3/22/22 (updated), 2/14/23 (updated), 2/13/24 (reviewed)
If the complaint cannot be resolved by a student’s teacher or other licensed employee, the student may discuss the matter with the principal within three (3) days of the employee's decision. If the matter cannot be resolved by the principal, the student may discuss it with the superintendent within five (5) days after speaking with the principal.
If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved by the superintendent, the student may ask to have the matter placed on the board agenda of a regularly scheduled board meeting in compliance with board policy. The board retains discretion as to whether to consider or take action on any complaint.
If you have questions or a grievance, please contact the Executive Director of Diversity & Cultural Responsiveness (student to student) or the Director of Equity & Employee Relations (student to staff or staff to student), at (319)688-1000. If you are unsure how to proceed or would like assistance in discussing your options, you may also contact the Ombuds at or at (319)688-1312.
Policy References:
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code § 279.8.
Cross Reference:
210.8 Board Meeting Agenda
210.8E1 Board Meeting Agenda - Example
210.8E2 Board Meeting Agenda - Example (with closed session)
213 Public Participation in Board Meetings
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