Iowa City Community School District
Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 10/11/21 (updated), 3/22/22 (updated), 2/14/23 (reviewed), 2/13/24 (updated)
- Record of Access Sheet (pink copy paper) Building personnel should be completing this document, NOT the person requesting the file.
- Home Language Survey
- Registration Process (OLR).
- Students who are coming from other ICCSD schools do not need to fill out a new HLS, but secretaries should look at the HLS and notify the ELL Assessment Specialist or if the student shows a need for assessing because the student may have been missed in the previous school.
- Proof of Age –Verification of the child’s birth date (Examples include a copy of the child’s birth certificate, passport or visa) uploaded to Infinite Campus. For
- Please make sure to enter the student using their legal name into Infinite Campus.
- Parent or Staff uploads document into Infinite Campus.
- Paperwork indigenous to your particular school – Send to Kenwood for scanning when going into 6th/9th grade and upon graduation.
- New Family Questionnaire
- New student info sheet for Infinite Campus
- Any paperwork indigenous to your school.
- Legal Paperwork –Upload to infinite Campus
- Guardianship
- Restraining orders
- Adoption decrees
- Name change
- Consent to release/share information with health care providers
- Outside Agency – Occupational Health
- Academic consent forms
- Social Security Disability Determination
- ELL (English Language Learners) - light blue ELL folder provided by the ELLvAssessment Specialist at the ESC
- English Screener Results for students screened and identified as English Learners in our district:
- For students identified as English learners prior to the 2018-19 school year, there should be a copy of the ELL Assessment Results sheet (this was usually a green sheet).
- Note: If you find TELPA testing booklets or TELPA student answer sheets, please shred them immediately.
- For students identified as English Learners during the 2018-19 school year or later, there should be an ELPA21 Dynamic Screener score report.
- For students identified as English learners prior to the 2018-19 school year, there should be a copy of the ELL Assessment Results sheet (this was usually a green sheet).
- Program Placement Form: There should be a copy of the English Learner Program Placement/Description of Program(s) that the family was given when the child was initially placed in our district’s ELL program.
- ELPA21 Summative Assessment Results - there should be a Summative score report for each year that the student has been in EL services in Iowa since 2015-16.
- If parents/guardians wish to waive services, there should be a signed Waiver/Refusal form with the Explanation of Consequences for not participating in the English Learner Program. A new waiver must be signed and placed in the blue folder each school year the family wishes to waive services.
- Important Reminders:
- Blue ELL folders should always be kept in a student’s cumulative file, never in a separate location.
- Whenever an ELL teacher needs a blue ELL folder, they may “check it out” and keep it in a locked, secure location but must return it as soon as possible to the office to be placed back in the student’s cumulative file.
- After a student exits the ELL program, the blue folder remains in the cumulative file with the ELL records from when the student was in the ELL program.
- English Screener Results for students screened and identified as English Learners in our district:
- Behavior Chapter 103 (Red Folder) – Anything not posted in Infinite Campus (paper) should be in this file. Any behavior from another school district, Referral Report, Incident Report and Suspension Reports.
- Attendance (Yellow Folder) – Truancy letters and Attendance Contracts from another school district should be kept in this file. ANYTHING ELSE TO BE SCANNED.
- Report Cards – Scan when going to 6th/9th grade
- In descending, chronological order with most current year on top.
- This would include the elementary conference reports.
- Title 1 reports, Academic Support Reports
- 504 (Accommodation Plan) – if applicable (Orange Folder)
- Upload 504 into Infinite Campus.
- All documents to be scanned upon graduation.
- Test Results – (Purple Folder) Upon Graduation this folder will be scanned as a permanent record.
- CogAT Profile Narrative
- Any other standardized testing that is not ISASP
- Iowa Alternate Assessment Score Report
- Disability Suspected form
- ELP (Extended Learning Program) – (Yellow Folder from ELP) At the end of 6th grade, if a student has an ELP folder it will be turned into the office to be placed in the cumulative folder. As noted above the CogAT reports are to be led in the Purple Test Results folder.
When a student leaves the district, you will need to print off the following reports from infinite Campus:
- Home Language Survey – To print the HLS form: go to Student inform>Forms. Select the student. Click New>Click Home Language Survey> Click Save> Click Print.
- Proof of birth
- Grades
- Attendance
- Behavior Reports
- 504 or IEP if applicable
- Legal Paperwork – since it will no longer be filed in the cumulative file.
Cumulative Folder Itself
Areas of the cumulative folder that must be filled out include:
- Gender – per birth certificate, legal document, etc.
- Birthdate
- Schools attended
How long should we keep documentation
- Checkout forms – 1 year past the current year (if student left in 22-23; keep the checkout form 1 year then shred at the end of 23-24 so you always have 1 year to refer where a child moved to and where the cum file was sent.)
- Request of Records – 1 year past the current year
- Grade changes – 10 years then shred
- 500