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Board Policies


Adoption Date: 06/22/2021

History: 3/22/22 (reviewed), 2/14/23 (reviewed), 2/13/24 (updated)

Iowa City Community School District likes to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff. Throughout the year photos and videos may be taken of students, student work, and school activities. These photos and videos may appear in various ICCSD materials, including school and district websites, social media websites, newsletters, yearbooks, brochures, etc. Student names are usually not used in association with photos and videos, but when they are, only first names will be used except in situations where full names are standard (such as athletic programs, yearbooks, etc.) Parents or guardians who wish to prevent their student’s image from appearing in any of the above venues must indicate so during registration. The permission/objection needs to be renewed annually during registration.

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