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Board Policies


Adoption Date: 06/22/2021

History: 3/22/22 (updated), 2/14/23 (reviewed), 2/13/24 (updated)

  1. If a child or youth needs to be removed from their caregiver and placed into foster care, it would be the ICCSD’s preference that the DHHS worker removes a child or youth at their home, not during school hours
  2. If the DHHS worker determines that it is in the best interest of the child or youth to be taken into DHS custody at school, the following conditions are to be met:
  • The DHHS Worker contacts the building administrator to arrange the time and location to ensure safety and confidentiality within the school.
  • School personnel will not change the usual dismissal procedure for the child or youth unless there is a law enforcement officer and/or Department of Health & Human Services worker on-site to facilitate the process and provide supervision. (The school dismissal process begins at 2:45 for elementary schools and 3:45 for secondary schools.)

       3. The DHHS worker will contact the Foster Care Liaison upon removal/placement into foster care. The primary goal is exploring transportation arrangements, allowing the child or youth to remain in their same school throughout the foster care placement. Should remaining in the school of origin not be feasible or not in the best interest of the child or youth, the DHHS supervisor is to contact the ICCSD's Foster Care Liaison to call a school determination meeting and collaboratively transition school enrollment without delay in order to comply and align with the ESSA Fostering Connections stipulations. 

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