Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 05/24/22 (reviewed), 4/11/23 (updated), 4/23/24 (updated)
Business Vendors
All new businesses that the District works with will be required to have a W-9 on le with the Business office prior to any payments being distributed.
Individual Vendors
All new individuals that provide service to the District (i.e., choreography, announcers, officials, camp coaches) of any amount with will be required to have a W-9 on le with the Business office prior to any payments being distributed. The building or department requesting the service to be paid will be responsible for obtaining the W-9.
The District will update the W-9 files for existing vendors on a continuous basis. Individuals who receive lunch refunds, supply, transportation or uniform reimbursement are not required to submit a W-9.
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