Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 05/24/22 (reviewed), 4/11/23 (reviewed), 4/23/24 (updated)
Students may raise funds for school-sponsored events with the permission of the principal. Fundraising by students for events other than school-sponsored events is not allowed. Collection boxes for school fundraising must have prior approval from the principal before being placed on school property. Fundraising done for any community organization must properly disclose the recipient and all proceeds must flow to the organization.
Fundraising Requests
Fundraising is used to supplement district financial and human resources.Fundraising may be used to purchase materials and services. It may also be used to undertake facility improvements. In order to coordinate fundraising activities and acknowledge the burden that can be placed on local businesses and individuals without such coordination, the district has established a fundraising approval process to include a completed and submitted campaign form that can be found on the district website.
For the purpose of these guidelines, the term fundraising includes any request of financial or in-kind assistance made by an individual or group to an individual, group, or business on behalf of the District or a District school or program. This includes grant proposals. The Fundraising Approval Committee, appointed by the Superintendent, reviews all fundraising proposals prior to implementation and provides feedback on items such as the size and scope, timing, and campaign donor solicitation.
The Fundraising Approval Committee coordinates with the Foundation for ICCSD. While fundraising may be targeted to benefit the district in areas other than facilities, it is noted that, for any campaign with a purpose to alter or improve district facilities, the Fundraising Approval Committee will consult with operations prior to considering an application.
Approval must be secured from the Fundraising Approval Committee, and all applicable funds must be collected and in possession of the Foundation for ICCSD before an order for materials or services may be placed or before construction on a facility improvement may begin. Fundraising pledges are important but do not constitute collected funds for the purpose of this guideline.
In addition to seeking approval from the Fundraising Approval Committee, all campaigns expected to exceed $5,000 and any donations of $1,000 or more are required to use the Foundation for ICCSD. This provides the campaign/donor with oversight of these larger-scale donations and the proper documentation necessary for both the donor and the District. These campaigns/donations will be subject to the provisions outlined by the Foundation for ICCSD as they relate to fees and procedures.
Staff members who conduct student fundraising activities without prior approval from the Fundraising Approval Committee may be subject to disciplinary action.
Online Fundraising Campaign - Crowdfunding
The Iowa City Community School District Board of Education believes online fundraising campaigns, including crowdfunding campaigns, may further the interests of the district. Any person or entity acting on behalf of the district and wishing to conduct an online fundraising campaign for the benefit of the district shall begin the process by seeking prior approval from the superintendent or designee. Any fundraising efforts conducted using the district’s name, symbols or imagery will be conducted in accordance with all policies, regulations and rules for fundraising within the district. Money or items raised by an online fundraising campaign will be the property of the district only upon acceptance by the board, and will be used only in accordance with the terms for which they were given, as agreed to by the board.
Approval of requests shall depend on factors including, but not limited to:
- Compatibility with the district’s educational program, mission, vision, core values, and beliefs;
- Congruence with the district and school goals that positively impact student performance;
- The district’s instructional priorities;
- The manner in which donations are collected and distributed by the crowdfunding platform;
- Equity in funding; and
- Other factors deemed relevant or appropriate by the district.
If approved, the requestor shall be responsible for preparing all materials and information related to the online fundraising campaign and keeping district administration apprised of the status of the campaign.
The requestor is responsible for compliance with all state and federal laws and other relevant district policies and procedures. All items and money generated are subject to the same controls and regulations as other district property and shall be deposited or inventoried accordingly. No money raised or items purchased shall be distributed to individual employees.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent or designee, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Policy References:
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 279.42; 565.6.
Cross Reference:
508.1 | Class or Student Group Gifts |
704.4 | Gifts - Grants - Bequests |
904.2 | Advertising, Promotion and Soliciting |
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