Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 05/24/22 (reviewed), 4/11/23 (updated), 4/23/24 (reviewed)
The process outlined below is intended to ensure that the Board has the necessary information to provide oversight to and approval of the administrative plans for major capital projects. Each step represents a point at which the administration must seek Board approval before moving forward in the planning process. At each step the administration will present all pertinent information to the Board with sufficient time for directors to consider the information and seek community/staff/stakeholder input, if required to determine approval.
NOTE: Impact on district operating expenses: Facility projects can impact district operating expenses in many ways. For purposes of this appendix, anticipated changes to district operating expenses—including changes to staffing levels, utility costs, and maintenance costs—will be specified as possible given the level of design at the time.
1. Facilities Master Plan (FMP)
Directors will receive and may approve a multi-year Facilities Master Plan (FMP) which will be updated annually. The FMP will include preliminary budgets, project concept, and timelines for design and construction. As projects move through this planning and approval process the administration will bring to the Board’s attention any significant deviations from the FMP.
Projects not included in the FMP must be brought to the Board for approval, including a description of the project concept, scope of work and a preliminary budget amount. Directors may seek community/staff/stakeholder input, if required to determine approval.
2. Authorization to Begin Project Design
Directors will receive any updates to project concept, scope or budget as well as whether the project is anticipated to impact district operating expenses. The administration should present this information to the Board using the standard process and timeline for Board agenda packets for directors to consider this information and to seek community/staff/stakeholder input, if required to determine project approval.
Directors may authorize the administration to hire the appropriate professional consultants and proceed with schematic design.
3. Project Schematic Design Update
The administration, staff and professional consultants will present to Directors an update at the schematic design stage of the project. Directors may formally approve the design which will include:
- Preliminary floor plans
- Preliminary elevations
- Preliminary budget projections
- Estimated impact on district operating expenses, if possible
If approved, the staff will continue to work with the professional consultants to proceed with design development.
4. Project Design Development Update
The administration, staff and professional consultants will present to Directors an update at the design development stage of the project. Directors may formally approve the design which will include:
- Floor plans
- Elevations
- Preliminary budget projections
- Estimated impact on District operating expenses
If approved, the administration and staff will work with the professional consultant to complete construction documents.
5. Final Construction Documents Approval
The administration, staff and professional consultants will present to Directors the final construction documents for the project. Directors may formally approve the design which will include:
- Final floor plans
- Final elevations
- Final budget projections
- Estimated impact on district operating expenses
If approved, the administration and staff will work with the professional consultant to bid the project.
6. Public Hearing
Directors will hold a public hearing in accordance with Iowa Code.
7. Bid approval
Directors will formally award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in accordance with Iowa Code.
8. Contract Modifications
Administration will present to the Directors any modifications to the design and/or construction contract. Contract modifications may be changes in time, scope, cost, or terms and are often done through change authorization requests (CARs). CARs under $25,000 or essential for project timeline may be approved by the Superintendent or designee prior to submission to the Board. Directors may formally approve the contract modifications.
9. Substantial Completing
Administrators will present to the Directors a recommendation for acceptance of substantial completion and, when applicable and appropriate, a recommendation for release of a portion of the project retainage. Directors may formally approve the recommendation thereby accepting the project is substantially complete and releasing a portion of retainage (where applicable and appropriate).
10. Financial Acceptance
Administrators will present to Directors a recommendation for final acceptance of the project and release of any remaining retainage. Directors may formally approve the recommendation thereby closing out the project.
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