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Adoption Date: 06/22/2021

History: 05/24/22 (reviewed), 5/9/23 (updated), 5/14/24 (reviewed)

The district’s Facilities Management Department is responsible for constructing and maintaining all district facilities, including management of architects, engineers, consultants, and contractors. A staff of custodians, grounds maintenance, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, painters, locksmiths, mechanics, and administrative staff ensure district facilities are efficiently and effectively maintained and constructed to ensure safe and healthy learning environments for students. In order to provide adequate and ongoing support for facilities, Facilities Management must be included in decisions involving modifications to a facility and any projects to modify facilities must be approved by the Facilities Management Director Deputy Superintendent (or Superintendent’s designee). Facilities Management can assist with getting quotes, determining alternatives to consider, identifying what the district can and cannot support, identifying potential additional expenses, ensuring compliance with codes and regulations, etc.

For the purposes of this guideline, the term “facility” includes any grounds or structures owned, leased, or operated by the district, including school buildings, administrative offices, playgrounds, athletic fields, parking lots, etc. The term “modification” includes any projects that are permanent or semi-permanent changes to the facility or projects that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of facility maintenance. Examples of modifications include creating or expanding gardens or playgrounds; installing statues, signs, or book boxes (lending libraries); painting; installing or moving electrical outlets or network ports; erecting fences; constructing or removing knee walls; adding or removing doorways; etc. This policy applies to all facility modifications, even if those modifications are being done at no cost to the district (such as with volunteer labor, donations, grants, etc.). (Note that projects involving fundraising must also comply with other applicable administrative guidelines.)

The process for receiving input and approval from Facilities Management varies based on several factors, including the scope of the project and the funding mechanism. Several scenarios are described below. Situations not described by one of these scenarios should be discussed with the Facilities Management Director or Deputy Superintendent.

Scenario 1

A parent group has volunteered to paint some hallways over the summer at no cost to the district. The principal of this building should contact the Facilities Management Director for approval and so this work can be coordinated with the district wide painting schedule, colors can be recorded for future touch-up, and to ensure the painting meets the district’s standards.

Scenario 2

A community group approaches district staff or principals about a desire to place signs or statues on several sites throughout the district. District staff should contact the Facilities Management Director for approval and so this work can be coordinated with the grounds maintenance staff. Placement of such signs or statues can affect the grounds maintenance equipment needed at a particular site.

Scenario 3

A school neighbor offers to create a large garden on a school site. The principal of that building should contact the Facilities Management Director for approval and so that the garden can be sized and located in such a way that snow removal and grounds maintenance can still be done efficiently and effectively. The principal should also contact appropriate curricular personnel if this modification is designed to address curricular needs.

It is important to include Facilities Management early in the process of facility modification discussions. This may include inviting Facilities Management staff to initial brainstorming meetings, vendor demonstrations, and similar discussions early in the planning process. The facilities expertise of the Facilities Management staff can supplement the expertise in other areas to ensure the district obtains the best work, at reasonable prices, compliant with applicable codes and regulations, and is able to provide immediate and ongoing support efficiently and effectively.

Any questions about this guideline should be directed to the Facilities Management Director or Deputy Superintendent.

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