Board Policies
Adoption Date: 06/22/2021
History: 05/24/22 (reviewed), 5/9/23 (updated), 5/14/24 (reviewed)
The naming of new school buildings will follow a board of directors prescribed process (Board Policy 801.3G2) and will be considered for approval by the board of directors. The naming of facilities within or around district buildings (rooms, fields, courts, grounds, complexes, etc.) shall follow the process set forth below.
Facilities within or around district buildings will not be named or renamed except for compelling reasons as determined by the superintendent or designee, and shall not be named for living individuals.
Requests or recommendations for naming or renaming school facilities shall originate with the building principal. Should the principal deem that a recommendation should move forward, they shall bring the request/recommendation to the superintendent or designee. The principal’s request must be accompanied by nomination documents that shall include:
- a letter of support from the principal
- documentation of the individual's or entity's accomplishments and contributions
- the results of a reasonable background investigation of the individual or entity
- documentation verifying that the principal publicly posted their desire to name or rename a school facility including all results of input received from school district staff and the broader community about the merits of naming or renaming the facility for the individual or entity
If an individual is the proposed objective of the naming or renaming, that individual shall:
- be deceased
- have made an outstanding contribution to education, humanity, community and/or the district
- have displayed outstanding leadership or be a person of historical significance
Principals are advised to strongly consider other forms of recognition besides naming or renaming facilities. Examples include recognizing the individual or entity at a dedication ceremony or adding the individual or entity to a “wall of honor.”
The superintendent or designee shall have the sole authority to make a final decision as to whether compelling reasons exist that allow the naming or renaming of a facility.
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