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Board Policies


Adoption Date: 06/22/2021

History: 05/24/2022 (updated), 6/13/23 (reviewed), 6/11/24 (reviewed)

Although the use of district buildings is encouraged, any group or community use of district property must be scheduled so that activities do not conflict with the district’s curricular, co-curricular, or extra-curricular programs, with consideration given to the conservation of energy and minimization of cost.

It is not the intent for facilities to be used long-term or to serve as a business location for profit-making enterprises. Thus, cultural, educational, civic, religious, or recreational groups are eligible to use school buildings.

First priority is for school functions and school organizations, including student organizations. Regardless of reservation, if an unforeseen school district activity arises, reservations by outside groups may be bumped.

Outdoor grounds, these are on a first come, first served basis, as the district does not accept reservations for outdoor facilities. However, if a group wants to use the district restrooms during the time of the outdoor facility use, a fee will be applied.

The use of school facilities as centers for community participation should be encouraged whenever those activities are beneficial to the community at large and do not disrupt the school day or scheduled district/school activities. The district may request fees or accept needed services from organizations for the full or partial payment of fees due for district facility use.

The Facilities Director, Deputy Superintendent, and the Superintendent will review this policy and fees annually. Recommendations for changes will be presented to the Board.

Facility Use: General Guidelines

  • Applications are submitted through rSchool Today, which is located on the district’s website. Please allow adequate time for processing of the application to be reviewed and approved, which may take up to two weeks.
  • Requests must not include multiple building locations. Requests that include multiple building locations will be denied.
  • Groups who submit requests more than three (3) months in advance of the date of use may be denied.
  • All regulations of the district shall be observed and are considered a condition of the use of school facilities by any individual or group. Improper use of the district’s facilities or failure to follow school board or administrative policies concerning use of the facilities may be grounds for cancellation of the remainder of requested dates or denial of future use.
  • The applicant’s use of the facilities will not include nor support the exploitation of children.
  • The possession or use of tobacco, including electronic cigarettes, intoxicating beverages, controlled substances or weapons and other dangerous objects will not be permitted in school buildings or on school premises.
  • The applicant’s use of facilities will be automatically canceled when school closes for weather (heat, snow etc.) or other emergency conditions.
  • Elementary facilities are not available on the weekends, no-school days and during breaks (spring, summer, winter).
  • Elementary facilities are available during the week from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.
  • Secondary facilities (junior/senior high) are available until 9:00 pm during the week. Secondary facilities are available for weekend rental; however, custodial fees may be assessed.
  • No outdoor sports are allowed indoors. However, under extreme circumstances, this may be allowed. For example, if a tennis ball is used for fielding indoors, that is allowed.
  • The requester using the district facilities must provide adult supervision.
  • Once approved, applicants cannot change their times and dates unless the Facility Manager is contacted.
  • A 24-hour cancellation notice is required in order to avoid assessed fees.
  • Approved applicants will be billed for time reserved not time used, unless cancelled by the district.
  • Due to security reasons, applicants/participants will be denied access if they arrive prior to their approved time. All participants will enter through the buildings’ front doors.
  • People who attend activities must remain in the area of the facility requested. Applicants who use school district facilities must leave them in the same condition they were in prior to use; and is recommended the building be vacated by 8:00 pm for elementary buildings and 9:00 pm for secondary buildings, unless prior arrangements are made in advance. Failure to do so may result in additional fees being charged and/or the inability of this applicant or applicant’s group or organization to use the district’s facilities in the future.
  • Applicants will pay for any damage incurred by use of the facilities.
  • Food and drink are not allowed in the Auditoriums, backstage, gyms, or classrooms.

Charges that apply to the use of school facilities may include the costs incurred by the district for any employees hired to open the building, do necessary set-up, clean-up, be on duty during an event or close the building after an event. The district will determine the need for an employee(s) to be on duty during an event. Charges will be billed to the applicant.

Auditorium requests will require that a Stage Manager be present during the entire use of the facility. Therefore, a Stage Manager fee will be assessed.

Kitchen facilities may require additional staff appointed by the school with associated costs paid by the applicant. Kitchen use is contingent upon the following:

  • Use of production kitchens is contingent upon proper training by ICCSD School food service personnel.
  • Prior arrangements shall be made with the Direction of Nutrition Services for use of supplies and small equipment such as pans, knives, flatware and trays and may require a charge or user fee.
  • Fees will be paid to the school district and not the employee.
  • Facilities must be left cleaned, mopped, swept, trash collected and placed in disposal containers, tables cleaned and sanitized, and ready for the serving of meals.
  • Equipment used, including counters, must be turned off, emptied, and sanitized.
  • Groups will be responsible for any repair or replacement of equipment or supplies. Due to safety concerns, anyone under the age of 18 assisting with the event is not allowed in the kitchen or behind the serving line/counter.
  • Under no circumstances will ICCSD School Lunch Program food or drink be consumed or sold during the event.
  • In order for school-sponsored groups to avoid custodial fees, kitchens must be left in original condition.

The high school competition gymnasium is not generally offered for public use. The Athletic Director can consider exceptions.

Charges for the use of district facilities is determined by group classification and based on the Facility Use Fee Schedule.

Facility Use: Group Classification

First priority for facility use will always be given to school district programs, school functions, and school organizations, including student organizations. If school facilities are not needed or required for district programs, school functions, or school organizations, including student organizations, priority for the use of school district buildings the fee structure charged for the use of district facilities shall be divided into the following four (4) categories.

1. Mission Partners

Groups that are part of the Iowa City Community School District curricular, cocurricular and/or extracurricular program.

No building use fee will be charged to non-pro t school partners, however; costs incurred for employee overtime or necessary clean-up will be charged.

PTO groups who want to use the elementary facilities on the weekend are not allowed unless the principal wants to take full responsibility for unlocking and locking the building, being present the entire time of the event and cleaning up afterwards. A Facility Use form will still need to be completed and submitted to the district office.

2. Nonprofit Groups

Groups that are not part of the Iowa City Community School District curricular, cocurricular and/or extracurricular program. Participants/members of the group may include ICCSD students, but not exclusively.

3. Use of District Property by Other Government Agencies Separate from the Benefit of the School District

Other Governmental Agency uses include, but aren’t limited to, political appearances and public college/universities that do not bene t school district programs through financial and/or instructional contributions.

4. For Profit Groups

For profit groups are those groups who generate a profit or groups who may otherwise be classified as nonprofit for income tax purposes but whose activity includes the generation of revenue that is not retained solely by the nonprofit group or given to the district.

If a club charges fees to the participants or charges fees for events and wants to use district facilities, a fee will be applied.

Community events held at a district building are up to the discretion of the building principal. However, the following must be done for each and every event.

  • A Sign-In sheet must be present for each event. The sheet must indicate the adult’s name, Child’s Name, Time-In, Time-Out. Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian while in the facility for events.
  • The custodian is not to be considered the district representative.
  • All events must be placed on the Facilities Scheduler.

28E Agreements

Buildings with 28E Agreements; Parks and Rec Departments take over control of the gyms and multi-purpose rooms at the completion of the Before and After School Programs. This is usually at 6:00 pm. Therefore, any requests for the gyms and multipurpose rooms are directed to the appropriate Parks & Rec Departments.

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