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Back-to-School Technology Resources

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Welcome to the start of a new school year at ICCSD! We are excited to see familiar faces returning and to meet new families joining our learning community. Below you will find information and resources to help you support your student(s) with district technology.

Chromebook Logins (Passwords and QuickCards)

District-issued Chromebooks can log in using a district-provided username/password or, for grades K-5, a ClassLink QuickCard (QR code badge). While younger learners may benefit from using QuickCards, we encourage students to use their usernames and passwords whenever possible.

Chromebook Support

We want to ensure every learner can access functional technology. Our district does not charge families for technology repairs or replacements. If a device cannot be immediately fixed, we will provide a replacement to ensure students have the necessary tools for their coursework.

Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Parents and guardians can access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for information about student schedules, grades, assessment information, to modify registration details, and more.

Securly Content Filtering

ICCSD uses Securly for offsite content filtering on district-issued devices, ensuring compliance with federal laws and district policies related to internet safety. Guardians can receive a weekly email with highlights of their student’s online activities and access to the Securly Home portal for further monitoring and restricting off-campus access.

Please note that access to Securly can only be provided to one email address per student. The “Securly Email” field in the online registration for the 2024-2025 school year must be completed to gain access to student activity emails and the Securly Home portal.

Digital Resources for Students

ICCSD provides digital resources such as Canvas and ClassLink to support learners throughout our district. Students also have access to many other digital resources based on their grade level and course enrollments.

Questions and Troubleshooting

For issues with QuickCards, passwords, Chromebooks, or updating Securly email or Infinite Campus information, please contact your student’s teacher or your school’s library or main office. School staff will work with the technology department to address your questions and ensure your student can access their technology resources. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making this a successful school year!