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Get to Know Securly: Safer Online Experiences for Your Student

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As we prepare for the new school year, we want to remind you about Securly, a web filtering tool that allows parents to monitor and restrict their child’s internet activity, ensuring safer online experiences.

Our students’ Chromebooks are filtered both on and off the school’s network. On-campus, devices are subject to the same content filtering policies as all our internet-connected devices. Off-campus, the Securly service blocks explicit or dangerous content as defined by federal law.

With Securly, you can view your child’s internet activity and set up additional controls for off-campus use. Parents receive weekly email notifications with internet activity reports. If you’re not receiving these emails, please contact your student’s school office to verify that the correct email address is listed in Infinite Campus.

Access this Parent Guide for step-by-step guidance on using Securly.

Parents can utilize the Securly Home app to adjust the settings for their child’s online activity. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and offers several features, including:

Pause the Internet: Control internet access with the tap of a finger.
Offline Schedules: Set device-free family time.
Live Activity Feed: Get real-time updates.
Push Notifications: Receive alerts for flagged activities.
Internet Rules: Easily set internet rules for your home.

If you have questions about accessing your Securly parent account, please contact your child's school for assistance.

Thank you for partnering with us in our commitment to keep our students safe online.