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Updated School Attendance Information

Updated School Attendance Information

We have received additional guidance regarding student attendance expectations based on new state regulations. We want to provide more information about our approach this year, including the state-mandated changes, particularly regarding absence exceptions and the related Infinite Campus attendance codes.

Some absences are exempt from these new guidelines, so it’s important to provide specific details when reporting your child’s absence. The following absence types will not count towards student absenteeism and will be coded as excused in Infinite Campus: 

  • Absences related to illness or medical appointment
    • After a student reaches the equivalent of eight (8) days of absence related to illness or medical appointments, parents will be required to provide documentation for the medical absence(s) to continue to be considered excused. Absences may be taken in hourly segments.
    • Families are encouraged to provide documentation to the school for ongoing health concerns so we can proactively work with your family to best serve your student.
  • Absences related to a family medical emergency.
  • Absences while attending religious services or receiving religious instruction.
  • Absences excused for sufficient reason by any court of record or judge.
  • Absences related to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that affects attendance.
  • Absences related to a Section 504 plan under the Federal Rehabilitation Act that affects attendance.

Due to the new State guidance, any absence that does not fall into one of the above categories will appear as unexcused in Infinite Campus and will count toward student absenteeism. As a reminder, our primary goal is for students to be in school daily and to confirm their safety with a parent or guardian if they are absent.

State Attendance Requirements:
The Iowa Department of Education has implemented strict guidance that requires schools to address absenteeism. As part of this, schools will notify guardians when a student has missed 5%, 10%, and 15% of days each grading period. Based on State Law, schools must also notify the county attorney when a student is absent 10% of the days in a grading period. For more details, please visit the updated Attendance Page on our District website.

  • First Letter: A written notification that your child has missed 5% of days in a grading period.
  • Second Letter: A certified letter sharing that your child has reached 10% absenteeism in a grading period and that the district must notify the county attorney.
  • Third Letter: If your child reaches 15% absenteeism, a School Engagement meeting will be scheduled, and an Absenteeism Prevention Plan will be created. The county attorney may initiate legal proceedings if these steps are not followed.

Reporting Absences:
If your child will be absent, please notify your school’s attendance office before the start of the school day. You can do this by creating an Absence Request in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by calling the school attendance office. If we do not hear from you, the school will reach out to confirm your student’s safety and ensure you are aware of their absence.

Important note: In the Attendance section of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, you will see your child's total number of excused and unexcused absences. Following state requirements, ‘excused’ indicates absences that are exempt from state reporting requirements, and ‘unexcused’ indicates absences that the state requires us to categorize as non-exempt.

Consistent school attendance is essential for your child's learning and development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we navigate these new guidelines.