Iowa City Community School District
How to Contact the Ombuds
You can reach out to Janet Abejo-Parker by phone at (319) 688-1312 (Direct) or (319) 777-9558 (Cell). You can also contact Janet by email at or
Ombuds Office Address:
Kirkwood Regional Center
2301 Oakland Blvd
Coralville, IA 52241
The Ombuds Office cannot guarantee confidentiality of email communications. Phone, video call, and in-person conversations are the preferred methods of contact for the Ombuds Office.
To ensure privacy and confidentiality of all visitors, scheduled appointments are recommended. Please call or email to setup a scheduled time to consult (via zoom, phone, or in-person) with the Ombuds.
When to Contact the Ombuds
- You don’t know where to go for help.
- You’re having trouble finding the information you need.
- You prefer working with a neutral, third party.
- There is a lack of trust, break down in communication, and/or power imbalance.
- You are concerned about confidentiality and/or retaliation.
- You feel your voice is not being heard.