Liberty High School
Brent Sands
Athletic Director
Eligibility Rules
- Eligibility Requirements (IHSAA & IGHSAU)
- Student Activity Conduct Code
- Academic Eligibility
- School Attendance
- Good Conduct Rule
- Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination
- Transfer Students
- Due Process Procedures
- Appeals
- Additional Guidelines
- Student Transfer & Interscholastic Competition
- High School Students Competing Against College Athletes
Eligibility Requirements (IHSAA & IGHSAU)
You Are Not Eligible:
- If you do not have a physician’s certificate of fitness issued this school year or if you are twenty years of age or over.
- If you have attended high school for more than eight (8) semesters. (Twenty days of attendance or playing in one contest constitutes one semester.)
- If you did not pass all subjects (minimum twenty trimester hours) the previous three trimesters (one calendar year).
- If you were out of school last trimester.
- If you have ever accepted an award for your high school participation from an outside group other than an inexpensive, unframed, unmounted paper certificate of recognition, or if you have received any money for expenses or otherwise for participating in an athletic contest.
- If you have competed on a non-school team as a team member or as an individual while out for a sport and during that sport season without the previous written consent of your principal or designee. Example: While out for softball/baseball and during softball/baseball season, you want to participate in an outside school softball/baseball team or tournament. You would have to have permission from the school principal or designee or be declared ineligible. Once softball/baseball season is over, you may participate without written permission.
- If you have ever trained with a college squad or have participated in a college event.
- If your habits and conduct both in and out of school are such as to make you unworthy to represent the ideals, principles, and standards of your school.
Student Activity Conduct Code
The Board of Directors of the Iowa City Community School District offers a variety of voluntary activities designed to enhance the classroom education of its students. Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the Iowa City Community School District throughout the calendar year, whether away from or at school. Students who wish to exercise the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with board policy and must refrain from activities that are illegal, immoral, unhealthy, or highly inappropriate. Participation in these activities is a privilege conditioned upon meeting the eligibility criteria established by the board, administration, and individual activity coaches and sponsors. The principal shall keep records of violations of the Good Conduct Rule.
The following activities are covered by the board's policy and these rules:
Athletics, instrumental and vocal music performances, drama productions, speech contests, National Honor Society, all co-curricular clubs (e.g. Math Club, French Club), all honorary and elected offices (e.g. Homecoming King/Queen/court, class officer, student government officer or representative), state contests and performances for cheerleading and drill team, Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, or any other activity where the student represents the Iowa City Community School District outside the classroom.
Academic Eligibility
More Information -
A student must receive credit and be enrolled in at least 4 ICCSD classes the term prior to the sport’s season and during the sport’s season.
A student must pass ALL classes in the previous three trimesters and make adequate progress toward graduation to remain eligible.
If a student is not passing all courses at the end of a final grading period, the student is ineligible for a period of 20 consecutive calendar days set by the IHSAA/IGHSAU in the interscholastic athletic team in which the student is a participant. There is no requirement that the student competed in the sport previously. Students in baseball or softball have the same penalty as all other students.
Schools will check grades at the end of each grading period to determine eligibility.
A student with a disability and an IEP is judged based on progress made toward IEP goals.
The ability to use summer school or other means to make up failing grades for eligibility purposes is not available. The rule now also requires that all original failing grades (even those remediated for purposes other than athletic eligibility) be reported to any school to which the student transfers.
If a student fails to complete an activity in good standing in which they are serving a penalty for academic ineligibility, the full penalty will attach when the student next seeks to go out for an activity subject to the 12-month limitation per ICCSD policy.
School Attendance
A student is expected to attend the second half of their school day based on their schedule, immediately prior to the competition or practice to be eligible to participate in a practice, competition or performance scheduled on the same date, unless otherwise authorized by principal or designee.
Participation in evening performances or competitions should not affect school attendance on the following day. When performing or competing during the school day, students are expected to return to classes immediately after the event.
Students placed on out-of-school suspension will not be allowed to practice or compete in contests during the suspension period.
Good Conduct Rule
To retain eligibility for participation in Iowa City Community School District extracurricular activities, students must conduct themselves as good citizens both in and out of school at all times. Students who represent the school in an activity are expected to serve as good role models to other students and to members of the community.
Any student who is found to have violated the school’s Good Conduct rule will be deemed ineligible for a period of time. The specific violations listed below will result in the student’s loss of eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities, as set out in the section marked Penalties.
Possession, use, or purchase of tobacco products, regardless of the student’s age. This includes electronic cigarettes, Juuls, or any other vaping device.
Possession, use, or purchase of alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine; the odor of alcohol on a student’s breath is considered evidence of use.
Possession, use, or purchase of illegal drugs or the unauthorized possession, use, or purchase of otherwise lawful drugs.
Engaging in activities outside the school community that would be grounds for arrest or citation in the criminal or juvenile court system, excluding minor offenses, regardless of whether the student was cited, arrested, convicted, or adjudicated for the act(s).
Additional Guidelines
All behavioral issues that could impact a student’s eligibility for participation in an extracurricular activity cannot be detailed in an activity code. Consequently, additional guidelines, expectations, consequences, and student support plans will be determined by the athletic director, coach, sponsor, and the administration. The student activity Conduct Code will be shared in writing with students and guardians at the beginning of the season or activity.
The student activity Conduct Code designates its expectations during the time a student is enrolled in the Iowa City Community School District. The school’s interest and intent is to expect and support positive student behavior at all times and discourage or deter illegal, immoral, unhealthy, or highly inappropriate behavior. Serious violations of school rules or community laws that occur during the time a student is enrolled in the Iowa City Community School District will be reviewed by the administration to determine the best support plan for the student. A student’s eligibility status for extra-curricular activity participation is but one consequence that may be considered by the administration when such events occur. The administration has the right and the power to impose other additional penalties or consequences, separate and apart from the penalties listed above, in response to serious violations of the School District’s policies and rules or community laws and club events.
Any student who is found to have violated the Good Conduct Rule during the school year or summer is subject to a loss of eligibility as follows:
First Offense within the student’s athletic/activity Career - suspension from one-third of the season’s contest or performance dates with professional evaluation prior to reinstatement where applicable. ***
Second Offense within the student’s athletic/activity Career- suspension from ½ of the contests or performance dates with professional evaluation prior to reinstatement where applicable.
Third Offense within the student’s athletic/activity Career - suspension from athletic competition for twelve (12) calendar months with professional evaluation prior to reinstatement where applicable.
The period of ineligibility attaches immediately upon a finding of a violation if the student is eligible for and currently engaged in an extracurricular activity and, if not, or if not completed during the current activity, is begun or carried over to the time the student seeks to go out for the next activity or contest.
However, if the period of time between a violation and an activity is twelve calendar months or more, the student shall not serve an ineligibility period for the violation.
An ineligible student shall attend all practices or rehearsals but will not “suit up” or perform/participate.
If a student fails to complete an activity in good standing in which they are serving a penalty for a Code of Conduct violation the full penalty will attach when the student next seeks to go out for an activity subject to the 12-month limitation.
If a student is ineligible at the time of a violation of the Good Conduct rule, the penalty for the violation will not begin until the student regains eligibility. Example: a student academically ineligible for a trimester is found to have been in possession of tobacco, a Good Conduct rule violation. When the student is again academically eligible, then the Good Conduct penalty attaches. Example: a student violates the Good Conduct rule and is ruled ineligible for one-third of the competitions or performances. While ineligible, the student again violates the rule that the second penalty attaches when the first penalty is completed.
The administration has the right and power to impose additional penalties or consequences, separate from the penalties listed above, in response to serious violations of the School District’s policies and rules or community laws.
Voluntary Admission
A voluntary admission will be considered in a first offense of the Good Conduct Policy. On the first offense, if a student comes forward and self-reports the conduct within forty-eight (48) hours of the violation of the Good Conduct Rule (or in the event the student is unable to report the parent/guardian may) to a coach, administrator, or activity sponsor (or can prove a good faith effort was made to do so), the penalty may be reduced by the administration to 10% of the season, with a minimum of 1 event. Voluntary admission would not be considered for offenses beyond misdemeanors (that may include, but are not limited to, distribution of illegal or prescription drugs, physical assault resulting in injury), and all sexual exploitation or abuse.
Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination
Beyond the “STUDENT ACTIVITY CONDUCT CODE,” the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD) has a specific policy on anti-bullying/harassment/discrimination that informs students, parents, and ICCSD staff on the prevention of bullying, harassment, and discrimination. The policy also covers formal complaint procedures and potential sanctions for policy violations. Report any bullying/harassment incidents to your parents, teacher, principal, counselor, the ICCSD’s Equity Director, or someone you trust.
District policies and forms can be found at:
If you do not have access to the Internet, please ask a building administrator for a paper copy of the forms.
Transfer Students
Eligibility for students who transfer into the Iowa City Community School District from another district will be reviewed at the time the student officially enrolls and begins attending school. All factors affecting students' eligibility status in the previous district will be considered in determining the date the student becomes eligible to participate in performances and/or competitions.
If the student had not yet completed a period of ineligibility for a violation of a Good Conduct Rule in the previous school or school district, the student shall be ineligible until that period of time has been completed.
Due Process Procedures
Due process procedures, as stated below, will be followed. After the District receives information concerning a possible activity code violation, this process will include:
The District will provide oral or written notice to the student of the allegation(s) against the student.
The District will review the evidence supporting the allegation against the student.
The student will be provided an opportunity to respond to the allegation(s);
The District will then determine whether a violation of the Good Conduct Code has occurred and notify the student of that determination.
The determination of whether there was a violation of the Good Conduct Code will be made by the principal, the coach or staff person supervising the extracurricular activity, and the athletic director, if applicable.
If an activity code violation did occur, a student or the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian may appeal the decision by notifying the associate superintendent in writing of the desire to appeal.
The student may have his/her parents participate in the appeal process. By the conclusion of the third school day, after an appeal has been filed, the associate superintendent will issue a decision on the appeal of the alleged violation of the Good Conduct Code. The student will not be allowed to participate in any contest during the appeal process but will be allowed to participate in the practice sessions.
Additional Guidelines
All behavioral issues that could impact a student's eligibility for participation in an extra-curricular activity can not be detailed in an activity code. Consequently, additional guidelines, expectations, consequences, and student support plans will be determined by the athletic director, coach, sponsor, and the administration. The Student Activity Conduct Code will be shared in writing with students and parents at the beginning of the season or activity.
The Student Activity Conduct Code designates its expectations during the time a student is enrolled in the Iowa City Community School District. The school's interest and intent is to expect and support positive student behavior at all times and discourage or deter illegal, immoral, unhealthy, or highly inappropriate behavior. Serious violations of school rules or community laws that occur during the time a student is enrolled in the Iowa City Community School District will be reviewed by the administration to determine the best support plan for the student. A student's eligibility status for extra-curricular activity participation is but one consequence that may be considered by the administration when such events occur. The Administration has the right and the power to impose other additional penalties or consequences, separate and apart from the penalties listed above, in response to serious violations of the School District’s policies and rules or community laws.
Student Transfer & Interscholastic Competition
When a student transfers to a high school in the district outside their attendance area, the student is ineligible to compete on the varsity level for one calendar year in any interscholastic athletics activity at the school to which the student transfers unless the parent/legal guardian and the student effect a bona fide change of residence to the proper attendance area. This year of athletic ineligibility at the varsity level shall be for one calendar year from the first day of attendance in the receiving school. A bona fide change of residence must result in all household goods being transferred from the previous resident to the new residence, the parents or guardians must reside day and night at the new address, and the change in residence has not represented an attempt to circumvent the intent of the transfer rule. A bona fide change of residence may also occur when the family unit has been disrupted due to divorce, separation, or other circumstances beyond the student's control.
In the event of a parent/legal guardian change in residence, the principal of the receiving school shall ascertain eligibility by:
Verifying the student's legal residence and ascertaining that the transfer is not in violation of the spirit of the provisions of this regulation;
Securing a written transcript of all high school credits and
Securing in writing a statement indicating that the student was in good standing in conduct, citizenship, and academic progress at the time of the transfer.
A student who transfers from one Iowa City Community School District School to another Iowa City Community School District School at the end of the spring term is ineligible to participate in a summer sports program until the first event of the summer program following the completion of the regular school year of ineligibility.
Students transferring back to the high school in their own attendance area after attending a high school outside their attendance area are ineligible to compete in interscholastic athletic activities for at least 90 days.
Students who are declared ineligible under this regulation may appeal the decision to the Associate Superintendent. If the appeal is not resolved at this level, it may be presented to the Superintendent/designee, whose decision on the matter shall be final.
High School Students Competing Against College Athletes
Please note that according to IHSAA and IGHSAU rules, high school students CANNOT compete against college students. Iowa Code states that a student is not eligible to participate in an interscholastic sport if the student has, in that same sport, participated in a contest with or against, or trained with, a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), or other collegiate governing organization’s sanctioned team.
A student may not participate with or against high school graduates if the graduates represent a collegiate institution or if the event is sanctioned or sponsored by a collegiate institution. Nothing in this sub-rule shall preclude a student from participating in a one-time tryout with or against members of a college team with permission from the member school’s administration and the respective collegiate institution’s athletic administration.
General Rules
- Conduct on Trips
- Returning from Out-of-Town Contests
- Athletes Driving To Practices Or Contests In The Local Area
- Procedure When Leaving A Squad
- Injury Reports
- Equipment Room/Gymnasium Procedures
- Club, Camp, Clinic Policy
- Carryover Sports Guidelines
- Physical Examinations
- Insurance
- Sportsmanship: Players
- Sportsmanship: Parents
- Letters - Certificates - Numerals
- Concussion Information
- In-District Permits
- Open Enrollment (from another school district)
Conduct on Trips
Returning from Out-of-Town Contests
Athletes will return from all out-of-town contests with their squads and by school transportation. EXCEPTIONS can be made by parents calling the coach in advance to explain the reason for the request AND by then providing a written note/email to the coach requesting the exception.
Please do not make requests to simply ride home with parents rather than on the bus or van. The team concept should always be paramount. At no time should an athlete request to ride home with someone other than his or her parent.
Athletes Driving To Practices Or Contests In The Local Area
Whenever possible and practical, it is our practice to furnish school transportation to practices and contests. However, occasionally, it is necessary for us to have athletes report to the site rather than provide school transportation. In these circumstances, students are no longer in the care of or under the control of the district or school. Student drivers are subject to and must follow all traffic laws and are accountable for any illegal or negligent acts that happen while they are self-transporting. The district will not allow students to ride with other students unless written permission has been provided to the school's athletic director by the parent of the riding student. If a student is unable to self-transport or the student/family does not want to assume the risk and liability of self-transportation, the district will make arrangements to provide transportation in these circumstances.
Procedure When Leaving A Squad
Injury Reports
Athletes injured in sports should ensure the athletic trainer has completed an injury report. Athletes also have the responsibility of initiating the insurance claim if the injury resulted in ambulance service, doctor's care, or hospital expenses. Remember, insurance companies have no way of knowing about an injury unless you inform them through a claim sheet.
All claim sheets should be picked up from the athletic trainer.
Equipment Room/Gymnasium Procedures
Athletic Equipment
- In most sports, practice and/or game equipment will be issued to athletes. Athletes will be responsible for said equipment.
- All equipment will be returned when the athlete finishes the sport either at the end of the season or upon quitting the sport. Any equipment not returned or paid for, will cause the athlete to be ineligible to compete in the next season. Once fees and fines are paid in full, the athlete will become eligible to compete again.
- Any equipment will be paid for by the athlete if it is lost (this includes theft) or destroyed through negligence. The equipment cost will be determined by the Athletic Director and will be based on the replacement cost of equipment. New equipment will be issued only upon receipt of payment for lost article(s).
- School-owned equipment is to be worn only at scheduled practice or games/meets.
- Schools are prohibited by law from selling used equipment to students. Please do not ask to buy used school-owned items.
Equipment Room
All athletic equipment will be stored in and issued from the equipment room. At no time is there to be unauthorized personnel in this room. Authorized personnel are defined as school employees (adult or student), certain specified student managers, and athletic staff members.
Gymnasium Procedure
- At no time is it permissible for individuals or groups to work out in the gymnasium without authorized supervision.
- At no time will individuals or groups be working out, jogging, or just “messing around” while teams or squads are having an official practice session.
- Athletes in the gymnasium for one sport practice will refrain from using equipment not specifically for their sport.
- Athletes are not to be in the weight room without authorized adult supervision.
Club, Camp, Clinic Policy
Athletes who desire to attend a camp or clinic or participate in a club sport during a sport’s season are to notify their respective coaches before the beginning of practice for that season. Athletes may not miss any school performances or games without the following rule being implemented:
Missing a school game because of camp, clinic, club sport, or unexcused absences may result in the athlete not playing in the next two contests at that level for each game missed. If state tournament series games are missed due to the above, the athlete can be dropped from the school team and will forfeit his/her award.
This policy is intended to protect the integrity of all teams and enhance the ethic of commitment and teamwork that participation in interscholastic athletics can provide our students.
Students participating in a club sport during the same season as a school sport should always communicate with the coaching staff and complete the non-school team participation form.
Carryover Sports Guidelines
The following guidelines should be followed when dealing with athletes completing one sport when another is beginning.
- Concluding sport has priority. Athletes are not to be discouraged from attending the practice of beginning sport after completing the concluding sport’s practice. Conversely, athletes are not to be penalized for completing their commitment to the concluding sport.
- The concluding sport coach may request appropriate restrictions at the beginning of the sport activity for the dual sport athletes.
These guidelines are NOT intended to put the athlete in the middle of any controversy. All athletes involved in the two sports should be identified before the start of the season, and parameters should be set to ensure that athletes and parents are clear on the expectations and commitment expected of the student-athletes.
Physical Examinations
The State Athletic Association rules require all athletes to have a physical exam before starting athletic practices each year.
Every year, students must register and upload their physical form onto Bound. The physical form must be signed by a licensed physician, surgeon, osteopathic physician and surgeon, osteopath, or qualified doctor of chiropractic to the effect that the student has been examined and may safely engage in athletic competition.
The certificate of physical examination is valid for the purpose of this rule for one (1) calendar year. A grace period not to exceed thirty (30) days is allowed for an expired physical.
The Athletic Departments are no longer accepting hard copies of physicals. All physicals should be uploaded to Bound.
Iowa City Community School District policy requires all athletes to be covered by insurance (health and accident).
This can be done in two ways:
- By having family insurance. If this is the case, please indicate on the permission to practice form in the appropriate section.
- By subscribing to insurance through the district. (See information in the next section.)
- Football players can obtain football insurance forms from the Athletic Office or the coach. This covers football injuries only.
- All other sports can be covered by the All-Student insurance offered through the school each year at a nominal rate.
The Iowa City Community School District does not provide health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your child at school.
Since children are particularly susceptible to accidental injuries, we encourage you to review your present health and accident insurance program to determine if your coverage is adequate. If your current insurance has a high deductible, co-pay, or co-insurance, or you have a student participating in interscholastic sports, we encourage you to review the student insurance program.
As a service to parents, this year, the Iowa City Community School District is offering accident insurance through Student Assurance Services, Inc. This plan will provide insurance benefits for medical expenses incurred because of an accident. The costs and benefits can be explained on the website at Go to the K12 STUDENTS/PARENTS heading and Go to FIND MY SCHOOL.
Coverage Plans (Premiums are one-time annual costs)
- Full-Time (PK-12) $99.00
- Full-Time Coverage $174.00
(7-12 with All-Sports Coverage except Football (9-12)
- School-Time Coverage (PK-12) $16.00
- School-Time Coverage (7-12) $91.00
With All Sports Coverage except Football Grades (9-12)
- Football (Grades 9-12) $250.00
- Extended Dental (PK-12) $9.00
Before applying for this coverage, please read the information explaining the program carefully. The following instructions apply, or you can ENROLL ONLINE.
- Print name, address, and other information clearly.
- Include the proper amount of money and print the student's name on the face of the check.
- A check or money order is your best receipt. Make check or money order payable to Student Assurance Services, Inc.
- Mail the brochure and check or money order directly to Student Assurance Services, Inc., PO Box 196, Stillwater, MN 55082-0196. Coverage will become effective at 12:01 a.m. following the date the envelope containing the enrollment form and premium is postmarked by the U.S. Post Office but not prior to August 1.
- All questions about the plan may be directed to Student Assurance Services, Inc. at 1.800.328.2739 or
Sportsmanship: Players
The role of the players in sportsmanship is second in importance only to the coach. Players are admired and respected by students of all levels and adult spectators. They significantly influence the actions and behavior of spectators of all ages.
Required Responsibilities
Players will perform the following responsibilities:
- Accept and understand the seriousness of their responsibility and the privilege of representing the school and community.
- Discuss the rules thoroughly with parents, fans, fellow students, and elementary students. This will assist everyone in achieving a better understanding and appreciation of the game.
- Cooperate with the coaches and always exercise good sportsmanship by living the rules and role as stated.
- Only the captain may communicate with the officials to clarify rules. It is his/her responsibility to communicate what was said to his/her teammates and/or coach.
- Always respect the official's judgment and interpretation of the rules. Never argue or make non-verbal gestures that indicate disagreement. This immature activity may incite undesirable behavior in the stands and by teammates.
- Congratulate opponents in a sincere manner following either victory or defeat. This is a true measure of character.
- Exercise self-control at all times, accepting all decisions and unusual occurrences and abiding by them.
- Treat opponents with the respect accorded a guest or friend.
- Shake hands with opponents before the contest and wish them luck.
Players ejected from a contest will be subject to IHSAA/IGHSAU consequences.
Preventative Measures
- Shake hands with opponents and express good luck.
- Learn the rules.
- Practice your coach's rules in character development.
- Help players who are down get to their feet.
- Shake hands after an aggressive exchange.
- Never gesture to officials, players, coaches, or the fans in a negative manner.
- Never disagree openly with an official or coach's decision. Carry on ethically and maturely regardless of your true feelings.
- Shake the opponent's hand if he fouls out or extends congratulations when leaving the contest.
- Make every effort to extend a congratulatory handshake to your opponent immediately at the game's conclusion.
- Never debate something that occurred during the game with anyone, as it is in the past.
- Be objective when communicating to the media about the contest. Don't be controlled by your emotions.
- Show concern for injured opponents and teammates.
- Promote sportsmanship and your athletic experience positively whenever available.
Sportsmanship: Parents
The Iowa City Community School District, the Iowa High School Athletic Association, and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union encourage positive sportsmanship and behavior at its sporting events. Please be positive and encourage our players and coaches, respect the decisions of the game officials, and be role models for other spectators.
Parents should:
- Be There—Please attend games regardless of your child's skill level or the team's success.
- Be Positive - Please remain quiet if you can’t say something positive. Nothing good comes from negative statements, and nothing negative comes from positive ones. If you can't be positive, at least be silent.
- Be Seated—Although it's good to be positive, it's not good to overdo it. Don't stick out. Players should not confuse your voice with the public address system.
If parents and spectators cannot appropriately cheer on their team, they risk being removed from the contest and barred from future contests.
Letters - Certificates - Numerals
For an athlete to win ANY award, the athlete must finish the season in good standing and turn in all school-owned equipment. Numerals and letters are provided at no charge to athletes, but they must be requested from the athletic office.
- Certificate for first-time and subsequent awards
- Numerals and certificate for first-time award
- Certificate for second and subsequent awards
Junior Varsity
- JV letter, numerals, and certificate for first-time award. Emblem if a senior.
- Certificate for second and subsequent awards
- Letter, bar, numerals, emblem, and certificate for first-time award
- Certificate and bar for second and subsequent awards in the same sport
- Certificate, bar, and emblem for awards in other sports
Concussion Information
HEADS UP: Concussion in High School Sports Fact Sheet and Form
ICCSD Baseline Concussion Testing
Each school year, secondary schools in the ICCSD will provide Sway baseline concussion testing for athletes participating in sports where contact might occur (volleyball, football,
cheerleading, basketball, wrestling, soccer). This testing is free of charge thanks to the athletic booster clubs providing the funds, and it gives the health care team a tangible tool that helps determine how the brain heals after a concussive episode. Baseline concussion testing using Sway is done on the athlete’s own personal device (cell phone) at the beginning of their athletic career at their high school. If the athlete has a concussive episode, they are advised to seek medical care beginning with the athletic trainer. After a concussive episode, the athlete will take a post-injury test that will help objectively evaluate the athlete’s post-injury condition. The post-injury test will also assist the athletic trainers to track recovery for a safe return to play. A second post-test will be given once the athlete becomes asymptomatic, meaning all concussion symptoms have resolved. Scores similar to the athlete’s baseline score signify the athlete is ready to start a return-to-play protocol. The testing aims to provide a safe return to sport in the most objective way possible. If an athlete does not have a baseline score but suffers a concussion, normative data may be used to interpret their post-injury results. More information is available at
A concussion is a disturbance in brain function that occurs following a blow to the head or because of a violent shake of the head. Concussions have a variety of signs and symptoms.
There are the obvious—appearing dazed/stunned, forgetting plays, unsure of game or score, losing consciousness, headache, nausea, blurry vision, etc. Concussions also cause subtle symptoms that affect the brain's ability to process information, slow reaction time, and affect balance. Sway objectively evaluates the concussed athlete’s post-injury condition and assists the athletic trainer in tracking their recovery for a safe return to play.
The step-wise return-to-play guidelines the ICCSD health services staff will follow will be:
Limited physical activity that does not exacerbate symptoms until asymptomatic
Light aerobic activity ~ 20 minutes
Moderate aerobic activity ~20 minutes
Non-contact, sport-specific activity with a return to weight-lifting
Full practice
Return to game/contest competition
Athletes who have a concussion will not be allowed to play until they have completed the above steps and are cleared by an athletic trainer or concussion monitor.
In-District Permits
Present Grade | ||
9th |
10th-12th |
Transfer/Enrollment in school outside attendance area in ICCSD (Varsity Level Only) |
90 days + |
90 days + |
Move to new attendance area, but not change in school |
None |
None |
Students previously at a nonpublic school transferring to public schools in different attendance area (Varsity Level Only) |
90 days + | 90 days + |
Students previously at a nonpublic school transferring to public school in own attendance area: (Varsity Level Only) |
None |
90 days + |
90 days + | 90 days + |
Students transferring back to high school in their own attendance area after attending high school outside attendance area (Varsity Level Only) |
90 days + | 90 days + |
* Calendar days
+ Actual school days
Open Enrollment (from another school district)
Admission Prices for Events
- High School Student Activity Pass
- Elementary & Middle School Activities Pass
- Gold Cards
- Family Pass
- Season Pass ( Excluding Football)
- Football Admissions
- Volleyball, Wrestling, Basketball, Swimming, Track & Soccer Admissions
- Baseball & Softball