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Looking for Help with online enrollment?
We've got a step-by-step guide to help

Whether you are a new family or a returning family, we've got you covered! Check out the step-by-step guide below to help you navigate the enrollment process.

There are Two Options for Completing the Online Registration (OLR) Application:

  1. Parents/Guardians that have an existing ICCSD student will use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This applies to families with existing students even when adding a new student.
  2. Parents/Guardians of a NEW to the district student who have no existing ICCSD student will complete the new student application.

Instructions for each option are below. If you have any questions about logging in or completing the application, please contact your student’s building.

Application Process for Both Options:

  1. The parent completes and submits the application.
  2. The school will process and review the application. Each step will update the status of the application.
  3. Once the review process is completed by the school and all necessary documents are received, the application will be approved and posted.
  4. Once the application is approved/posted and an enrollment record is created by the school for the student(s), the parent portal account is then created overnight for new to the District applicants.
    • The parent/guardian can now log in to the parent portal.
      • The email used in the application’s initial setup screen will be the username for the parent portal
        • This email address will also be used as the security email address when the “Forgot Password” link is used.
      • The password will be able to be created by clicking ‘Forgot Password?’ on the parent portal login screen

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