Scholarships for Future Teachers
The ICCSD DPO Teaching Scholarships for ICCSD Students was established in 1954 in honor of Kate Wickham, who taught in the Iowa City Schools from 1902 to 1939. Since then, students planning a career in teaching have been awarded more than $80,000 in scholarships. These scholarships are made possible by donations from Parent Teacher Organizations, individuals, and area groups in honor of individuals who have contributed to our schools.
For each $50 contributed to the DPO Scholarship for Future Teachers Fund you or your organization(s) are entitled to designate one Honoree. Traditionally, Honorees have been current or retiring teachers, administrators, staff, and exemplary volunteers who have contributed to the education of ICCSD students.
We will celebrate scholarship winners and the Honorees at the DPO Honoree & Scholarship Reception at the ICCSD Education Services Building on Wednesday, April 24th at 6PM.