General Guidelines
Iowa law mandates that all students before they can be enrolled in school must present an Immunization Certificate. Students should have received the required immunizations and submit the Iowa Department of Public Health Certificate of Immunization, or have a valid Certificate of Immunization Exemption or Provisional Certificate of Immunization.
Immunization forms are available in your school health office, on the District website, at the Johnson County Health Department, or through your child’s health care provider.
Please contact your school nurse or email Jessica Jimmerson, Health Services Manager, or call (319) 688-1000 with any questions.
Immunization Law - Iowa department of Public Health
7th Grade Iowa Immunization Law
Meningococcal Vaccine
Per Iowa law, 7th-grade students are REQUIRED to have a meningococcal vaccine (to prevent meningitis, a bacteria that infects the brain, blood, and spinal cord). According to state law, students that have not received the immunization will not meet the mandatory immunization requirement and no grace period will be given. Students will not be able to come to school if parents have not provided documentation that their child has received the meningococcal shot.
Tdap Vaccine
7th-grade students are REQUIRED to have a Tdap booster (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis/whooping cough). Your student may have already received these shots during their regular physical exam.
You can check your child’s immunization record or call their health care provider to find out if they had the Tdap booster and meningitis shot and make an appointment if needed. Please turn in a new “Certificate of Immunization” that shows documentation that these vaccines were given. Johnson County Public Health also provides immunizations at no cost to children with or without health insurance. Please call (319) 356-6042 to make an appointment.
Please contact your school nurse or email Jessica Jimmerson, Health Services Manager, or call (319) 688-1000 with any questions.
12th Grade Iowa Immunization Law
Meningococcal Vaccine
Students entering 12th grade will need proof of two doses of meningococcal (A, C W, Y) vaccine; or 1 dose if received when the student was 16 years of age or older. According to state law, students that have not received at least one dose of the vaccine will not meet the mandatory immunization requirements and no grace period to catch up will be given.
Your student may have already received this vaccine during their regular physical exam. If you feel they have had this vaccine, please bring the valid, signed certificate of immunization documenting your student has had the vaccine to the school nurse. You can contact your health care provider's office to get this paperwork. Johnson County Public Health also provides immunizations at no cost to children with or without health insurance. Please call (319) 356-6042 to make an appointment.
Please contact your school nurse or email Jessica Jimmerson, Health Services Manager, or call (319) 688-1000 with any questions.