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Dreams Start Here! Dream Big!


We're here to help! You can reach out to our Preschool Program team by phone at (319) 688-1000 or you can always send us an email!

Preschool Handbook
Your guide for our early learners!

Welcome to the Iowa City Community School District Preschool Program! We are so glad you are here and look forward to a successful year of learning and growing with you and your child in preschool.

Our goal is to provide a high-quality preschool experience that meets the individual needs of all children through developmentally appropriate, play-based instruction delivered by talented teachers certified in early childhood education and special education, supported by highly qualified paraeducators.

Family involvement is crucial to the success of our preschool programs, and we welcome and encourage your participation throughout the year. Our programs use state and District-approved, research-based curriculum and assessments, and are accredited through the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS).

For more information, please refer to the content below, and feel free to contact your child’s teacher or our Preschool Program team at with any additional questions.