Review of Curriculum & Library Materials
How do I request a review of instructional materials?
Parents and other members of the school district community may view the instructional and library materials used by the students. All instructional materials, including teacher's manuals, films, tapes, or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any federally funded programs must be available for inspection by parents. The policies that cover the formal review of instructional materials can be found in Board policies 605.1 through 605.3e3.
Request to Review Certain Instructional Materials
How do I review a current list of library materials?
Our library materials are housed in our Destiny catalog and can be found here: Destiny Library Catalog Link
How do I opt my student out of specific instructional materials?
Parents have the option to request that their students not be provided with certain instructional materials. If you wish to make a request of this nature, please complete the following form and turn it in to the main office of your child’s school.
Request to Prohibit a Student from Accessing Certain Instructional Materials
How do I file a formal request for reconsideration of library or instructional materials?
Members of the school district community may object to the instructional and library materials utilized in the school district and ask for their use to be reconsidered. Information on how to file a formal reconsideration request of library or instructional materials can be found in Board policies 605.1 through 605.3e3.
Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Request Form
How do I review decisions made by the Board of Directors in the School District?
A detailed explanation of the procedures in effect to request the review of decisions made by the Board of Directors of the school district, including the petition process, can be found in Board policy 213.
The minutes of each Board meeting can be found on BoardDocs and the video of each meeting can be found at